
European Union’s Agency

Cedefop<br/><span class="subtitulos">European Union's Agency</span>

Σχεδιασμός εκδόσεων & επικοινωνιακού υλικού συνεδρίων Cedefop. Design works & conference communication material for Cedefop – the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training by Christopher Adam.

Cedefop Publications
European Union’s Agency

Cedefop Publications<br/><span class="subtitulos">European Union's Agency</span>

Σχεδιασμός εκδόσεων Cedefop (βιβλία, κατάλογοι, λευκώματα, περιοδικά, κ.ά.). Publications design & layout for Cedefop – the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training by Christopher Adam.

Cedefop Posters
European Union’s Agency

Cedefop Posters<br/><span class="subtitulos">European Union's Agency</span>

Σχεδιασμός αφισών, banners & υλικού Cedefop. Design works for Cedefop – the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training by Christopher Adam.

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Cedefop Brochures<br/><span class="subtitulos">European Union Agency</span>